Food Microbiology in Health Safety and Environment

Food Microbiology in Health Safety and Environment

Food Microbiology in Health Safety and Environment

Explore our Food Microbiology course designed for professionals seeking in-depth knowledge of microbes in the context of food safety.

Key Benefits & Features:

Microbe Identification:

Learn to identify basic types of microbes, crucial for professionals in food production, quality control, and healthcare.

Bacterial Growth Patterns:

Understand bacterial growth patterns and factors affecting microbial growth, essential for maintaining food quality and safety.

Microbial Food Spoilage:

Describe mechanisms and indications of microbial food spoilage, providing insights for professionals in food production and preservation.

Microbes in Food Preservation:

Explore how certain microbes are used in food preservation, relevant for professionals in food processing and manufacturing.

Pathogens in Meat and Poultry:

List important pathogens of concern in meat and poultry products, crucial information for professionals in the meat industry.

Sources and Control of Microbes:

Describe sources of microbes in meat and poultry products and fundamental methods of controlling microbial contamination, essential for professionals in food safety and processing.

Instructor: Dr. Mai Tag El Dien

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